Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    I started off loving the heat but then after a rubbish nights sleep I was so over it. The last couple of days have been just the right tempreture, not too hot and not too cold.
    I did sit out in the garden a little reading my book and it was lovely.
    Oh no! That is shocking about Boo’s school. My youngest girls school is an old one and I don’t think they have air conditioning but thankfully they have been doing lessons outside or have been off out on trips. x

  2. Jayne @ Sticky Mud and Belly Laughs

    I love the sunny weather, but these heatwaves are pants! And my hayfever is ridiculous.
    We’ve been sitting out in the garden come the evening when it cools down, and like you, we get the pool out.
    Your neighbours sound entertaining hehe! The only thing that rows around here is sheep! xx

  3. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    It has been very hot hasn’t it? It is nice when it’s a little cooler in the garden and you can enjoy time outside, especially when you have the pool out too! Hope you were ok with this week and that Boo’s school at least had the air con on for this week! #WotW

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