Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    Sometimes you need a week to relax a little espeically when you’ve been dealing with everything you have.
    It sounds like Monday was a busy and productive day. No wonder you felt worn out. What a faff finding your appointment letter.
    Good on your Little Man doing GCSE maths. That’s fantastic. I even struggle with some of the homework for maths that my youngest brings home, it goes way over my head.
    Aww! Poor Ash. I hope he is back to his normal self soon. x

  2. Cheryl | Time To Craft

    A relaxing week sounds perfect. I think you need them every so often. I find I relax more in the colder month, but I guess it’s better to describe that as hibernating, in my case. Glad you found your hospital letter. Little Man is doing well. I love the study guides. I wish I’d had them when I was at that level. I hope Ash is feeling better now. They don’t half worry us, do they? Fingers crossed nothing gets in your way of your relaxed weekend.

  3. Ruth

    I hope you have a very relaxing weekend. That’s my goal for the weekend too and so far so good. How frustrating about the letter. I’ve had that happen to me too and it drives me nuts looking for things and then they turn up right under my nose. I’m glad you found your letter in the end. All the best with your appointments next week xx

  4. Karen

    A nice relaxing week is what’s required sometimes. Glad you found your letter, very annoying when things like that happen! Well done to your boy too!

  5. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Sometimes plans to have a relaxing week don’t quite work out as hoped! Sounds like you had some productive moments in amongst trying to relax. Glad you found your hospital appointment letter in the end. Hope Little Man enjoyed being back at the School of rock and that you have managed to have some time to relax over the weekend. #WotW

  6. Jane - Our Little Escapades

    I think we all need relaxing weeks, it’s good for the soul. I think you are doing an amazing job home educating. I wouldn’t know where to start. It’s bad enough just trying to get the little lady to do her ten-minute homework. I hope the hospital appointments went well #WotW

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