Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    Snow makes everything look so pretty and it is very exciting. I saw so many people saying March was really late for snow but I have seen it coming up on my FB memories that we have had it plenty of times at this time of year.
    This time was the first time that neither of my girls were bothered about playing in the snow, not one snowman was built. x

  2. Ruth

    Your snow pics look so pretty and fun. I’ve only been in snow once when I went to visit my relatives in New York as a kid. It was so much fun to play in it and throw it around.

  3. Sarah MumofThree World

    What lovely photos when your kids were little!
    I know you had some really good snow in Birmingham this time, but we only got the tiniest bit that lasted a couple of hours in Gloucestershire. I do like snow, but my kids aren’t bothered.

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