Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    I think your son will get on well getting the help he needs from the doctors with you on his side. Good luck with Star, I hope she gets her results soon. The waiting is the worst. I hope your results form your scan comes back OK too.
    Oh wow! Well done you for doing the Covid Testing thing for 3 years. x

  2. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Hope that the test results for your son help give some answers and that Star’s test results come through soon. Hope you get some answers from your scan as well. Sorry to hear that its been a testing week with home-schooling Little Man. Hope next week will be a better one x #WotW

  3. Ruth

    I hope that you get some answers for Star and that your results are ok. It must be so frustrating to not really be sure what is causing your pain. All the best with your little man’s schooling next week.

  4. joleisa

    Just checking in. What a week! Testing is definitely the right word. I often wonder how you cope with all of what you do cope with! Sending hugs and best wishes for everyone.

    • joleisa

      Oh, Well done on the shop with mindfulness in mind. I love the idea of scented things like essential oils, also soft and fluffy things like blankets and cushions etc. Don’t know how easy it would be to add those?

  5. Jane - Our Little Escapades

    So much testing but also why haven’t they got any results back to you yet? I hope you have had some by now. I hope they let you go to the doctor without any fuss with your son. Things do change when they reach 18 don’t they? I know I shouldn’t but I’m kind of sticking my head into the sand until then! #WotW

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