Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    I am glad you’ve had a quiet week. Deciding on colleges and courses is such a big thing and good on Boo deciding that she wants to be assessed for Autism, that’s such a big thing too.
    Good luck with the education and care plan for your Little Man. Hopefully with that you will get more help.
    I hope you hear about Star’s test results soon, waiting is the worst. x

  2. Cheryl | Time To Craft

    College decisions are such a big thing. It’s never been a real options for us to change away from their current school, due to transport. I hope Boo finds the best option for her and her grades make it possible. Going for the autism assessment is a big thing. I wonder if your hunch is right. Either way it will give her answers. How fab that you are finding extra curriculum classes for Little Man. Hopefully the EHCP should help him on his route to the education he deserves. I hope Star’s results come through soon for you all.

  3. Ruth

    I hope all goes well for Boo with her college decision and all the best for her assessment. I hope everything works out with the little man’s schooling and fingers crossed that Star gets some answers from the tests.

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