Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    You have been really balancing things over the past week.
    That’s a shame that Graham’s birthday felt a little flat. I would have been happy with all the effort that went into it.
    Aww! Poor Star, I hope the MRI went well and she’s feeling OK. Oh dear, what a drama with your eldest son’s interview. It is so wrong that he has been signed up to something that no one agreed to.
    I hope the x-ray goes well for you today and your lungs are not any worse.
    I stood there on Tuesday for at least an hour just cooking pancakes for my family and there was only 4 of us. lol

  2. Cheryl | Time To Craft

    Poor Star. I hope the hospital visit went well and you have a clearer picture about what is going on. Your eldest’s interview sounds like complete mess up. How could they get it so wrong? Fingers crossed that they come back with a better plan. It was my husband’s birthday this week too. We haven’t celebrated more than cake and presents. We tend to have a special day out later when the weather is more inviting. Pancakes take for ever. I make pancakes most weekends, so I did a few Scotch pancakes and maple syrup on the day. Everyone was happy with that. Hope your x-ray went well and the results are good.

  3. Ruth

    Happy belated birthday to Graham. I hope Star’s MRI went well. So sorry to hear that things went badly for your son’s interview. I hope they fix this dreadful error and offer a solution. All the best for your X-ray and I hope that the results are good.

  4. Karen

    Some very fine balancing going on there. I hope they can find some answers for Star poor kid. What happened to your son is dreadful but somehow I am not surprised. They just charge ahead and don’t listen or inform people of what is happening, and Autistic people like to know what’s happening. I hope they find him a more suitable option.

  5. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Thanks for adding me to the linky last time. What a shame that Graham’s birthday felt a little flat. Sorry to hear that Star is sick again. Hope she feels better soon and that the enterogram gives some answers. The interview situation with your eldest son sounds very stressful. Hope that you can get things sorted out there. Hope all went well with your X-ray too x #WotW

  6. Jane - Our Little Escapades

    It’s a shame Graham felt that way about his birthday. I never put any expectations about my birthday or Christmas. So has your some got to do all those activities before there is even a job? It sounds confusing to me! I hope Star’s year improves. I always get the pancake mix wrong and make a mental note for the following year but never remember #WotW

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