Reader Interactions


  1. Sheryl

    Thank you so much, Anne, for joining us each time we have a linkup. I really appreciate the support and participation 🙂 I am sorry to hear about Star, and your own mysterious pains. I totally understand what you mean, as I too have had such experiences, though of a different nature. Being passed around from psychiatrist to neurologist to rheumatologist. The thing about my Lupus I guess, is that it likes to ‘travel’ around my body haha.

    I hope you manage to stay inspired and peaceful. Sending love!

  2. Sarah Warburton

    Hello Anne – I do hope things begin to look up for you soon. As Kim wrote above, it seem so unjust having all of these things launched at you. Every time I read one of your posts, your strength and tenacity shine through. Sending you very best wishes


  3. Ruth

    So sorry you have to deal with chronic illness and pain as well as your family’s health issues. I do hope and pray that things will improve. Sending love xxx

  4. Carrie Kellenberger

    Hi Anne,

    My heart goes out to you. So I’ll start with something fun in regards to your tv comments because I do it too! Have you seen Blown Away on Netflix? I ask because you mentioned you liked the pottery show. Blown Away is about the art of glass blowing. I binged it. LOL.

    I’m so sorry to hear how much you’re dealing with. Your comment about having two modes: fully in charge and dealing with it and then not being able to do a single thing – Oh how this resonates with me. That is such a perfect description of what I’m living. Sending you love and understanding.

    • Anne Sweet

      I’ll have to look out for Blown Away, my adult son used to do glass blowing at college and I’ve got many of his creations. It might be something he’d like to watch with me. Thanks for your kindness x

  5. Erin Butts

    Hello Anne,
    This is my first time reading any of your blogs. Thank you for sharing your story. Although I don’t have the same health concerns as you, I really related to what you said about dealing with new symptoms and learning how the medical care system works. I am sorry to hear about your daughter.

  6. Kathy

    I can so relate to the difficulties of having chronic illness and then having a sick child to care for. I’m functioning in that world of doing too much and then not being able to do anything, too.

  7. Laura

    I too am a binge watcher, even though I try not to be, I have to say that you must stick with Happy Valley it is one of the best shows ever ant the finale is incredible. I’ve not heard of some of the other shows but I too got drawn into both versions of the Traitors and loved how different the seasons were. I do wish that I had more than TV to talk about sometimes but it’s either that or my medical condition which can be very boring for me and I’m sure is boring for others after 9 years of this life. I hope your spoons are kind to you.

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