Reader Interactions


  1. joleisa

    I’m so happy you are getting used to your new wheels. It can be scary on the road sometimes but take your own time. Don’t let them rush you into an accident. Have a lovely weekend.

  2. Kim Carberry

    I love the look of your car and I am so happy that you are driving again! It sounds like you have had a shaky start but I am sure you’ll gain more confidence the more your drive.
    I would be intereseted to read about hand driving.
    I hope you are feeling better now and you got to see your doctor. That is great news about your nodules. x

  3. Karen

    Ooh nice car! Some days driving is no fun at all but I’m sure you will get back into the swing of it. Impatient people annoy me, you were right to wait. Good news about the nodules, hope you can see the Dr soon.

  4. Karen

    Ooh nice car! Some days driving is no fun especially when the roads seem full of impatient people! Good news about the nodules, hope you can see your Dr soon

  5. June

    How fabulous that you have a new car and are back to driving! I imagine your confidence will grow the more you drive. To me. driving equates with independence. #pocolo

  6. Jayne @ Sticky Mud and Belly Laughs

    Aw, so happy to see you have wheels again! You will get there. Just a case of building up your confidence again, it will come.

    It would be interesting to read about hand driving, I hope you do write about it.

    Also, amazing news about the nodules being benign, that must have been a massive relief! I’ll raise a drink to that in a bit. xx

  7. Stephanie BWL

    Fab news about the car and getting out in it – try not to let the other drivers get to you, though Iknow that’s hard. I’m used to driving and it still gets me when someone’s too close, too aggressive or just annoying on the road. Fab news too about your thyroid, take care – thanks for linking with #PoCoLo

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