Reader Interactions


  1. joleisa

    I think this could have been my word this week too! Not much was done although in a way it was intentional. Sometimes we are allowed to take breaks when needed. Hope the glasses turn out good in the long run.

  2. Kim Carberry

    It sounds like you needed a quiet week, not doing much.
    I do love half term. We had lazier mornings last week and I didn’t do as much around the house. It was a nice break.
    You have to listen to your body, you have had a rough couple of weeks so no wonder your body is saying slow down a bit.
    hahaha! I can relate to the glasses. I was buying some boots over the past week and I went for comfort instrad of style. The comfier one’s were cheaper than the one’s which looked amazing. lol
    Have a great weekend x

  3. Karen

    Comfort is better than style when it comes to glasses. I think your lazy week was well deserved and there is a lot to be said for not doing a lot.

    • Anne Sweet

      If I’m honest, I wasn’t overly keen on the expensive ones anyway, they didn’t suit me and I am clumsy so I’d hate to accidently break my glasses as the most expensive ones were also the most flimsy!

  4. Jane - Our Little Escapades

    Sometimes it’s good to be lazy. Sometimes your body needs it. I must admit it was nice turning off the alarm clock during the half-term holiday. I’m terrible at picking glasses, mine always feel like they are the most expensive ones in the shop. I’m glad you have a better experience picking frames #WotW

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