Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    You and your family have had quite the year, I don’t know how you have got through it.
    That is really bad that Star is no further forwards with the hospital but saying that my youngest has been waiting over a year for a brain scan and they keep telling us that she’s on a waiting list. It’s a good job it’s not urgent for us. I hope you’s find something out soon.
    The theatre trips sound brilliant, how exciting to be going to see Six!!
    That is such a shame that things aren’t working out at college for Boo. I hope things are better for her next year. It sounds like her old school have a lot to answer for, especially with letting your Little Man down too.
    I am glad that Graham is still around when you need him but it’s good that you are trying to need him as little as possible! You did amazing going on holiday without him. You have every reason to be proud.
    Wishing you and your family all the best for 2024! Things have to get better for you all. xxx

  2. Paula Short

    Oh my, what a year. Your children sound amazing! I’m sorry you are facing health problems. I have several chronic illnesses and can relate to the difficulties. Sending prayers your way and I’m adding you and your children to my hand written prayer list in my journal.
    Visiting today from PoCoLo #12

  3. chickenruby

    What a year, you and the children are truly amazing to have got through everything that has been thrown at you and you sound so positive about it all, although I doubt you’ve felt positive for most of it. Well done for fighting the education authority with your sons EHCP and for fighting for your daughters college place. Here’s to 2024 bringing you some good fortune, you really do deserve it. If you ever need a chat, let me know over on twitter and perhaps (if you want to) we could have a video call with a virtual cuppa and cake. Suzanne
    Thanks for linking with #pocolo

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