Reader Interactions


  1. Joleisa

    So sorry you’ve all been poorly this week. The trip to Cadbury sounds good though. I hope the chocolate will be a fix more than anything else.

  2. Kim Carberry

    Oh no! I hope everyone is feeling better soon. It’s good that Boo tried to go to college and if your leg is giving you issues it is indeed poorly.
    I saw a meme on FB the other day how stupid it is getting everyone to ring up at 8am for an appointment. It is stupid!! x

  3. Karen

    I hope everyone feels better very soon. The chocolate buying trip sounds fun, I hope it aids recovery! I am about to write my WotW post and it includes a rant about Dr appointments…

  4. Ruth

    That’s no good! I hope you all feel better soon. We have had a lot of children away from preschool with all sorts of illnesses that are going around. On Friday we were down six kids in our class (none of them were the rowdy ones!). Fingers crossed they don’t pass it on to me! I want to be well for the upcoming autumn break!

    • Anne Sweet

      Oh I’m so sorry. I really thought my daughter had Chron’s as she had all the symptoms. It turns out she has slow transit constipation. We have yet to find out if this is going to be better or worse for her. But at least we are getting somewhere (it’s taken 10 years so far!)

  5. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Sorry to hear that Little Man, Boo and your other daughter have been feeling poorly this week and hope that everyone is feeling better now. Hope that your leg is also better this week. I feel your pain with trying to get a GP appointment – our surgery has moved to online bookings only and it’s a nightmare trying to get an appointment. #WotW

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