Reader Interactions


  1. Mysa York

    “Safe” is such a powerful word, and it’s wonderful to see it as your word of the week. Creating a safe environment for your family is essential for their well-being and peace of mind. It’s evident that you prioritize their safety above all else, and that’s truly commendable. Wishing you continued safety and security in all aspects of your life.

  2. Carol

    I’m so glad you are feeling safe. It’s a reassuring word. I’m sorry you have to deal with depression. It’s a dark time to me when I think of depression. I’m sending you a hug and lots of sunny thoughts. #MMBC

  3. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    I’m glad that you’re feeling safe. Depression is incredibly hard to navigate but knowing you have the support and people around you who are helping make you feel safe makes such a huge difference. Hope you had a lovely time seeing Blood Brothers and that things will gradually start to feel lighter for you x #WotW

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