Reader Interactions


  1. Erica Price

    I tend to have similar problems sticking to my routine when my son's off school. Sometimes it's just because we are in a rush, but we also eat away from home more often which brings its own challenges.

  2. Jen Walshaw

    I find that steroids do that to me. I am at the heaviest I have ever been and have a moon face! I can imagine that it must be harder when the kids are about, not just due to temptation, but also time factors

  3. Nikki Thomas

    I have often looked at a Paleo diet and think it is an amazing thing to do and really helps to clean your system out. You have done well to stick at it for so many weeks, that is amazing but it is hard to maintain any diet all the time. Good luck with getting back to it

  4. cassfrugalfamily

    I hope you manage to get back on track and that your next treatment is more successful than the steroids have been x x

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