Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    You are right, we don’t think about our mental health until something goes wrong. My youngest had an assembly about mental health today and my teen had her’s on Monday. I am glad they talk about it in school.

  2. Cheryl Thompson

    Absolutely agree. It is accepted that we take care of ourselves physically, to avoid getting ill, but how often do with stop and think about preventative actions to take to preserve our mental health. #MMBC

  3. Tracy Albiero

    When my little one first lived with us from Foster Care she had a hard time just doing life. I had so many parents JUDGE me for the way she was acting. When in reality she is coming from a place of trauma. I tried to educate parents as best as I could without bringing more attention but I got so many looks. Thankfully she is in a great place now but I still remember the judging eyes of onlookers. #ablogginggoodtime

  4. Spectrum Mum ?

    You are so right I am sure when most people hear the term mental health they think of someone who is ill. Someone with anxiety of depression or who is self harming. I do think that education is improving around mental health though. We are beginning a mindfulness program in school now. #mixitup

  5. Cheryl | TimeToCraft

    Oh so true. So seldom do we use the term mental health, unless something goes wrong. There are positive terms but maybe we don’t connect them. I like your list, especially the last point about reaching out, because it can make all the difference to someone else too. #MMBC

  6. Helena

    It is great that you are having conversations like this with your loved ones. It is so important to be mindful of our body and mind. #AbloggingGoodTime

  7. berni

    good point and interesting realisation, to acknowledge that mental health is only acknowledge when there is something wrong with it! We are programmed to monitor and manage our physical health even when we feel fine; diet, excercise, stretching, cleansing, yet wegenerally ignore our mental wellbeing until it is damaged x #blogcrush

  8. Michelle Kellogg

    I absolutely agree! I never thought to talk to my kids about mental health though until now. I’ve kept my kids home a few times giving them a mental health day. I told them it was a mental health day too because when I notice that they are too stressed from school, it’s important to me that they take a day to relax and re-charge. I asked my youngest about it and he said he knew what mental health was but never thought of it is a positive or negative way. And apparently he didn’t understand what “taking a mental health day” meant. I’m glad you wrote this Anne because it opened up my mind to talk to my kids about it. #ABloggingGoodTime

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