Reader Interactions


  1. Carol

    I can do a list of songs and films for my life – things that stand out but sometimes what I watched at say 21 does not translate to what I’d want to see again. In college The Graduate was a huge hit and I thought it was amazing. Don’t care to see it again now. It’s not the 60’s and I’m not 21. But watching that movie with a friend is a wonderful memory. #MMBC

    • Anne Sweet

      I had not heard of Wings of Desire, but it sounds really interesting, I may have to watch it now. Not heard of Betty Blue either but I do remember Badlands and Rumblefish.

  2. Kim Carberry

    Ahh! I have never watched any of the Star Wars films but I’m going to. They are being shown on ITV from Saturday all the way until Christmas. hehehe
    I am still watching The Greatest Showman at least once a fortnight. #MMBC

  3. Kate

    A real trip down memory lane. I well remember my Dad standing for hours trying to get us into Grease when I was little. Star Wars never hooked me but I am going to put that right as I think I may have missed out. Mystic Pizza was a big favourite that I can still enjoy now. Sadly watching films as well as reading and other pleasures seems so much more hard to organise now I am a mum. But this too can change and you have given me some ideas of films to see #MMBC

  4. Jayne @ Sticky Mud and Belly Laughs

    Aw, what a fab trip down memory lane Anne! I loved the Gremlins. My all time favourite and still now to this day has to be The Lost Boys.
    I have to admit to not seeing any of the Star Wars films though and The Greatest Showman is one of my favourites now too.

    Thanks ever so much for sharing with #MMBC. x

  5. Lisa Pomerantz

    As a young teen, Grease was the word! Wow, I was blown away. Watched it twice. In college, it was The Big Chill. I hate gratuitous violence but loved Pulp Fiction. Pete’s Dragon the remake reminds me of our prior pugs, Atticus and Eli. And the Greatest Showman, we have watched 347 times so far, give or take a few. Lovely post-Anne! #mixitup xoxo

  6. Lucy At Home

    What a lovely way to take a trip down memory lane! I love StarWars and Grease and I grew up watching musicals too. I’ve not seen Pete’s Dragon for years – you’ve just reminded me about it – I bet my girls would enjoy it. #blogcrush

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