Reader Interactions


  1. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    It does seem strange that you found out about Little Man’s autism on World Autism Day. I’m glad he is now on the SEND register and hopefully it will mean he gets the support he needs at school. Good luck with getting your theme looking the way you want. It looks good to me on a phone screen. I’ve also been playing with themes this week. It is so frustrating having to move away from a theme I loved. I’m happy with my new one for now but there are a few features of my old one that I haven’t yet managed to get back. Thanks for hosting #WotW

  2. Angela Webster

    I think it’s great that there is so much more awareness of autism nowadays, it helps to educate people and give them a better understanding. You’ve done really well getting out so much this week, if you ever get stuck for an audio book download LibriVox it has lots of free books although they are a little dated. Hope you have a nice weekend x

  3. Cheryl | TimeToCraft

    A busy week for you. I can imagine the hospital visit eats into your day and without an audio book it would seem much longer. Yes. What a week to have Little Man’s diagnosis confirmed. Doesn’t make him any less him, but hopefully it opens up more help and support for him. Glad you were able to pick up the game. It’s annoying when you can’t sort out something for one of your children. I’ve had a similar frustration this week. Hope the blog issue is nearly sorted. I know a lot of people have been caught out. Thanks for hosting and I hope you have a good weekend.

  4. Kim Carberry

    Go you! That is great that you are getting out and about more. I hope you get some more audio books for your next treatment.
    I’m glad your Little Man is happy. That’s all that matters. Now he’s on the SEND register I hope he gets all the help and support he needs. Since my youngest was put on it she’s had more help than ever!
    It seems like you and most of the blogging community have spent this week sorting out their blogs. What a pain in the bum!

  5. Laurie

    I think getting your son identified as autistic for school purposes is a good thing. He will get the support he needs and deserves. I was a teacher for over 30 years. I remember seeing children thriving after they received the services they needed. I am glad to read that you are still getting out. Working on your blog and getting it exactly the way you want is satisfying. I don’t have a lot of leeway with my format, but I’m OK with that.

  6. Debbie

    Hi Anne, I still remember the surreal feeling I first had when the word autism was mentioned in the same sentence as my son’s name, but I was also relieved as it made sense. Back then I knew very little about higher functioning autism and have learned a lot. I hope that your family gets all the guidance and support it needs, it is so important and something we have never had here… Sorting out the blog can be a bit stressful, don’t you find? I want to tidy up my menu and categories, but am struggling to know what labels to use. I’m waiting for that ‘light bulb’ moment… We’ve just come back from Iceland (shopping). One of the local supermarkets has a whole Iceland section. I don’t go there often, but I do find the frozen sliced peppers handy and tonight we are having ‘Kentucky’ burgers for tea (Iceland hot and spicey chicken breasts in a roll with Iceland crinkle cut oven chips- they better be good!).


    • Anne Sweet

      I think I’ve just given up for now on the blog editing, I’ll be sure to have a second burst soon 🙂 I hope your kentucky burgers were nice, they sound it. Although my fussy lot refuse to eat chicken that’s been frozen! I do like frozen veg though, it’s better than rotting veg on the vegetable rack even though it looks so appetising when you first buy it, it doesn’t last so long. x

  7. Sarah Christie

    Aw I am sorry little mad has been diagnosed, but I suppose he will get the help and understanding he needs and deserves. I am so glad you managed to get out a bit it must be so tough when you can’t get out. And grrr all the blog problems have driven me a little potty this week x

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