Reader Interactions


  1. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    I’m so sorry for the loss of your friend. I remember the days of online forums. I’m glad you found such a supportive group of friends through them. How lovely to go through all those memories sorting out your wardrobe. I can imagine it was hard whittling some of it down! Thanks for hosting #WotW

  2. Karen

    I did a similar thing this week, except it was the coat cupboard that also houses all the random stuff that has no other logical home! The stuff I found…
    My condolences on the loss of your friend xx

  3. Laurie

    I am so sorry for your loss. Prayers and hugs to you and your friend’s family. I had one miscarriage before my 2nd son was born. That was over 30 years ago and there were no internet support groups then. I struggled. Glad you could find a group of like-minded women to help you get through that rough time.

  4. Justin

    Sorry to hear about your friend. I lost my best friend to an illness some years ago. We had some great times and I have some great memories. I really need to have a sort through some boxes that I have, full of books and things I’ve collected over the years. I can’t throw anything away though lol.

  5. Kim Carberry

    It sounds like you have done a lot of sorting. It must have been wonderful to find all of those wonderful memories.
    I love the sound of the dog. I thought you were on about a real one for a second. lol I hope you find a new home for her!
    It is hard to part with things the kids have made, you did well.
    Oh no! I am so sorry about your friend, how awful! x

  6. Cheryl | TimeToCraft

    Oh goodness. I thought you were talking about a real dog for a moment. I thought 20 years sounded amazing and why hadn’t you mentioned her before. Doh! Hope you find a place for Sacha. Nothing like a sort out to bring back floods of memories. Good ones. I’m so sorry that you have lost your friend. Forums were amazing places to exchange information and find like minded people. To keep up with them all for 15 years shows how strong a shared experience can be and special a friendship becomes. Thank you for hosting.

    • Anne Sweet

      I loved forums, we did have our arguments and fall outs, but we always found support when we needed it, and having babies later in life needs a lot of support. I still pinch myself over my 3 miracles. Don’t worry about Sasha, she’s not going anywhere, she does need freshening up a bit though, I didn’t realise how old she smelt! She is a beautiful golden labrador, I did have a real one when I was a child called Sandy.

  7. Sarah Christie

    Oh no I am so so sorry about your friend that tragic, it takes people to young! I love going through old photos and memories it beings all those lovely memories back which is so special. I hope the wardrobes are now up and fully functioning x

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