Reader Interactions


  1. Niamh Kane

    Hi Anne, I hope you have a wonderful holiday by the beach there is nothing quite so healing than the sound of the waves while watching the sun set. I hope your pain is manageable throughout and you capture many more precious memories with your kids…enjoy every minute. Take care, Niamh x

  2. Sheryl

    Thanks for sharing and joining us again, Anne!I can see where the problems lie with the healthcare system…just seems like there’s no good one in the world when you can’t afford it I think 🙁 And that’s amazing you have dairies since 1982!! Must be so interesting to go through them, and see how things have changed, and how you’ve developed as a person as well. I hope you have a nice holiday! x

  3. Jennifer

    I completely get your struggle with the NHS. It is such an amazing thing and I never want to take it for granted but it seems so many people with chronic illnesses have had bad experiences in it. I hope in future it gets more funding and its services improve! It’s amazing to see that you are trying not to let your illness control you and you are able to capture lovely memories of your children. I hope you enjoy your holiday!

  4. Georgina // Chronillicles

    Hi Anne! I love your responses to this month’s prompts, especially your one for ‘capturing’. I love photography too and have albums upon albums (mostly digital) of photos I’ve taken! I definitely agree with what you’ve written about the NHS. It’s amazing, especially when you need A&E, but it definitely needs more doctors and more funding 💜

  5. Rhiann

    Hello Anne

    Another lovely and thoughtful post; it’s wonderful to read such posts like these and to get to know the person beyond the illness. I love the way you gave captured memories, I hope it gives you comfort to look back at your lovely memories and all that you have accomplished and faced and overcame. I hear your frustrations with the NHS, such an invaluable service and one I think we all appreciate but one that is not perfect and with so many difficulties and challenges. I hope you enjoy your holiday; I really wish that I could have a change of scenery at the moment!

    All the best

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