Reader Interactions


  1. Enda Sheppard

    Sorry to hear you haven’t been well, Anne, but you are always great! Glad to hear you enjoy Romeo and Juliet … I can never hear that name without thinking of that Dire Strait’s song, one of my all-time faves! #WotW

    • Anne Sweet

      Ah, I think I must have listened to Dire Straits Romeo and Juliet a million times until my LP was scratched. Actually, Dire Straits and Sade where my first ever CDs when the CD collection in the music shop was minute!

    • Justin

      Sorry you’ve not been feeling well. Hope you have a better week next week! Romeo and Juliet looks really good! I’ve never considered going to a ballet, I’ve been wanting to go to an opera for some time, maybe I should seek out a ballet too.

  2. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Sorry to hear that everyone has been poorly this week and the back-to-school bugs have hit already. Hope you are all feeling better over the weekend and that all goes well with your hospital treatment on Monday. Romeo + Juliet sounded like an amazing production and such an interesting take on it. Thanks for hosting #WotW

    • Anne Sweet

      The bugs are starting to lift now. I may not have my treatment Monday, it’s a juggle as to whether it will make me worse or better at the moment. Romeo + Juliet was truly stunning and I’m still singing the Dance of the Knights (it doesn’t help with all the adverts for the Apprentice starting soon!) 🙂

  3. Angela Webster

    Sorry to hear you are poorly Anne, it’s so frustrating when things go wrong with tests and results especially when you need them for a specific date. I hope you get to see someone who can help at the hospital next week. Mine have been back just over a week and have already brought colds and coughs home, don’t you just love this time of year! I hope you are all feeling better soon, including your poor cat x

    • Anne Sweet

      I think I could write a blog post ranting about school policies on attendence and making kids go in when they are sick. It really annoys me that my normally well children get sick as soon as they go back to school. The cat’s feeling better already x

  4. Laurie

    So sorry to read your work of the week is “poorly”. I hope your test results get straightened out. You would think your GP would bend over backward to get those test results to you since they were the ones to make the mistake.

    I remember when I was a teacher, I would always get the bugs the kids would pass around, especially at the beginning of the new school year. Hope your children feel better soon!

  5. Sarah Christie

    Aw no I can’t believe they didn’t sent the tests off, what a rough week you have had, I hope you are all feeling better. I hope its all ok and the results are in for your appointment, and I hope the cat is better soon. I bet Romeo and Juliet was amazing xx

  6. Kim Carberry

    Oh no! What a pain in the bum about the mess up with your GP.
    I hope the kids and Graham are all feeling better soon. They really didn’t hang around bringing the bugs home. I hope your cat is better soon too. x

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