Reader Interactions


  1. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    I’m sorry that you and your husband got jumped on online for venting about your frustration over the wet room and that it hasn’t turned out how you were anticipating. The ‘having to be grateful that you get stuff for free’ pressure when people don’t understand the price you actually pay for that, i.e. living with pain and disability frustrates me too and you should be able to express frustration without feeling constantly grateful too. Some things are easier to be grateful for though – like the love and support of friends and family, the medical staff, the treatments that help you to continue to live with your condition. I sometimes find myself having to think about how I phrase my ‘daily gratitude’ when I know that I wouldn’t be doing the thing that I’m grateful for had Jessica not died and so my gratitude becomes complicated. I hope that the new shower room is much better for you though and that the work for the lift will go smoothly. Thank you for hosting #WotW

    • Anne Sweet

      I understand why you do the gratitude thing Louise, Finding the little things to be grateful for can somewhat go a little to all those big things that are so unfair. It’s certainly complicated x

  2. Enda Sheppard

    You always struck me as the kind of person least likely to complain. Grumbling about legitimate gripes is a far different thing. And those busybodies with their lazy opinions, so low on the empathy scale, saying you should be grateful for a job not done properly! I hate that mentality and the mentality of those that would do such poor work, just because it’s… what, free? So judging in itself, and lacking in pride. But perhaps a better word would be appreciative, rather than grateful? #WotW

  3. Tina Arnold

    Ann the shower was fitted as an aid to you . If it wasn’t what you expected you should have complained when they were there or called the benefits teams . The bathroom is for your ease of use but even though the house is rented and not yours as such you wanted the shower for your disabilities . If not right then it should be fixed . If someone else rents your house at any time should you move they’d have to take it out for the new occupiers wouldn’t they ? So it’s designed for your needs no one else’s and if not right, say so to the powers that be who can change it .

  4. Laurie

    Anne, I am sorry about the treatment you and your husband received on social media. Some people use it (as you have found out) to be holier-than-thou at the expense of others. Cultivating a grateful attitude, even though it is hard, will make YOU feel better. Don’t let someone else steal your happiness. You are a strong, resourceful woman. I am so glad we met here in the blogosphere! 🙂 I loved this line: I’m grateful for my family. They may drive me crazy sometimes but they are always there for me.
    Laurie recently posted…Time For a Double Vanilla Latte With Extra Whipped Cream

    • Anne Sweet

      Thank you Laurie. My husband’s friends were particularly cruel but I guess he complains more than me. I’ve just seen your recent post pop up and now I think it’s definitely time for a double vanilla latter with extra whipped cream 🙂 It’s lovely meeting you too x
      Anne Sweet recently posted…Word of the Week 10 – Grateful

  5. Kim Carberry

    How exciting. I hope the bathroom is finished. People are just rude! You are entitled to help because of your condition and it’s pretty rotten that people don’t get that. It’s not like you choose to be disabled. If the work isn’t done to a good standard you have every right to complain.
    I am grateful to have and class you as a friend. x
    Kim Carberry recently posted…This week my Word of the Week is: Pottering! #WotW

    • Anne Sweet

      Exactly, I’d much rather be in a position to pay for exactly what I want. The shower part is nice, and the shower works wonderfully. So I do have much to be grateful for.

  6. JOhn Adams

    How awful that people have made such comments. What dreadful lack of understanding. But…a great choice of words and very positive, forward way of looking at the world recognising those who do help you and make you happy.

    • Anne Sweet

      Yes, John, some people just jump in with thoughtless comments. I’ll admit to have being over sensitive, it’s hard to be reminded every day that your life has changed through disability. But for everyone one that knocks you down there is always someone else who will pick you up.

  7. Cheryl | Time To Craft

    Just because you’ve not paid for it, doesn’t mean it should be allowed to be shoddy. It’s not done free. An authority has handed over money for it. It would be a waste of money if it falls apart, due to poor workmanship. You grumble. I hope it is sorted out and also that the improvements make a difference to your life. You are one of the most positive people I know. Even turning this post into a positive with all the areas of life you are grateful for. Love it. Hope you have a lovely weekend, Anne.

    • Anne Sweet

      Thank you Cheryl, they did come back yesterday and made a few changes which have made it a little better, and it will be inspected next week. So, I have good hope that it will be fine in the end. Have a lovely weekend too xx

  8. Elaine Livingstone

    No people do not get the help people get with their own of a family members disability and money that can be paid to them.
    DD2 had a hidden disability. up to 25 epileptic fits a day, plus ENT issues, her asthma, and her delayed walking. She had her first operation at 4 weeks old, having been given less than 12 hrs to live, with others in later years, and finally got the all clear from her Paediatric Consultant when she was 14. She visited the dental school until she was 16.
    Yes I got paid to “look after her” if that is the way you wish to view it, but believe me I would have given up ever penny for her not to have gone through what she did.
    Thankfully she is still with us, turns 40 this year, and has two beautiful children of her own. #WotW
    Elaine Livingstone recently posted…Project 366 week 10.

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