Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    It is so hard to read about how everything drives you nuts. I can’t imagine what you go through on a daily basis.
    I hope all the work in your home is going well. I hate having workmen in here. It puts me right on edge. I am sure it will be worth it when it’s all finished.
    Good on you for forgetting about what other people think of you! I have tried to me more like that over the last 6 months or so and it’s wonderful. x
    Kim Carberry recently posted…(Ad – Gifted) An easy meal with Idahoan Perfect Mash. #BritishPieWeek

    • Cynthia

      Pain management is always a battle. It never fails, I will finally figure out what works for the symptoms at hand, learn how much my body can handle and stay within its boundaries, then wham, out of nowhere something changes. Either a new symptom or an old one that doesn’t want to play nice anymore. I wish you much success in finding what helps relieve your pain. Hugs!

      • Anne Sweet

        It certainly is a battle, and a balance, some of the best drugs for my pain just make me want to sleep. And sometimes sleep is all I need because pain keeps me awake. I’m taking a different route now (or trying to) and seeing if working on my brain can improve my central nervous system. I’ll try anything. And thank you x

  2. A Chronic Voice

    I totally get the whole should I stay or go mental struggle with chronic pain. It is so difficult, but I’ve also decided I’m ready to go, yet will hang on as much as I can. It’s tough isn’t it. I hope you have some brighter days this month x

  3. Naomi

    Interesting to hear how you’ve seen a change in your condition by reading back over notes. I think it’s easy to miss things by just living it… taking time to step back and reflect this way sounds really valuable. Whether you see it getting ‘worse’ or not I hope you have seen some nuggets of useful information. Enjoy the wet room!

  4. Rhiann

    Hello once again,

    I loved to read that you have a psychology degree as snap, I do too! I really enjoyed studying it, and just wished that I could have done more with it. I was so interested in becoming a clinical psychologist or something similar, or perhaps going into neuropsychology which was also fascinating!

    It is so interesting that you have realised just how much your condition has changed by reading through old notes and hospital letters. It can sometimes be so difficult to realise how much things have changed; sometimes not even being aware as we are living it every day. We often don’t realise until we stop and reflect! It’s strange, isn’t it?

    I am sorry to hear you have experienced difficult times once again this month, I hope you begin to see better times next month.

    Stay safe!

  5. Catherine Green

    This sounds very familiar! My monthly prompts resulted in a moan about being bored and feeling under-appreciated, but ultimately I know that happiness is my responsibility, and I can only work on making myself happier in the circumstances that I live. I hope that you continue to work through your struggles and can find your own version of happiness, whatever that entails 🙂

  6. Rachael Emma Tomlinson

    Hope you have managed to get your wetroom in, mine has been a godsend I have to say.

    I am also guilty of being moany and unable to ask for help, even now when leaflets are coming through the door offering help.

    My counselling sessions have ended and I wasn’t quite ready for that, but no more funding available sadly.

    Thank you for this post I really enjoyed it.
    Rachael Emma Tomlinson recently posted…Saying no to you is saying yes to me

  7. Niamh

    You have so many changes coming. I hope the decluttering doesn’t drive you too nuts. I resonate with the turmoil of will I go or stay? Thankfully my family have kept me anchored this far I hope you can hold on too.

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