Reader Interactions


  1. Lisa Ehrman

    Thanks for these great thoughts about Covid and how it is affecting you and your family. I homeschooled for over 20 years, so I feel your pain 🙂 They’re all feeling the stress, too. Give them lots of grace, hugs, and let them know that you believe in them. Stay safe 🙂

  2. Cynthia

    You have my utmost respect for homeschooling 3 kids! My kids are 12 years apart. I homeschooled the eldest for his last few years of high school and my youngest from preschool to this year which is her senior year. So basically I only taught one at a time. Funny thing is people often assumed that sending them to public school would have been easier on me because of my chronic illnesses. But homeschooling was actually the best option. That is once I allowed myself to break free from keeping a typical school schedule. Relax and know that you are doing the best that you can.

    • Anne Sweet

      It’s funny you should say that, I do understand. I keep an app. on my health and how it changes and for the first few weeks of homeschooling (despite the pressures) my health was a lot better than it was trying to get them into school each day, getting their uniforms and lunches ready and up on time takes a toll on my health. x

  3. Catherine Green

    My eldest daughter is 9 and my youngest is 6, so I hear you on the home schooling! I am not a teacher and we have not really done any proper school work since we started lockdown. My girls are both intelligent and inquisitive, however, so I’m not worried about their development. They read books regularly, they watch educational videos and TV programmes, they love to be creative and they tell me when they want to learn something new. We will muddle through.

  4. Kathy

    I home schooled 6 children many years a go. Sometimes the most important lesson is learning how to be kind to each other, and how to support each other in the seasons of life. I loved your photo of the purple flowers.

  5. Rhiann

    A lovely post, Anne. I am sure that everyone are able to relate to the troubles that the current pandemic is causing for you. When living with chronic illness, we often do so behind closed doors, alone. The only comfort of this pandemic is that we are all in this together, a feeling of solidarity and togetherness, not experienced before. I hope you and the family enjoyed your Easter Eggs!

  6. Carrie Kellenberger

    Hi Anne. I can completely relate to everything you’ve written here. Home schooling must be so difficult. I can’t imagine the extra stress that has caused for you. It sounds like your family is supportive and I’m so happy to hear you had a good Easter. I miss those types of celebrations being in Asia.

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