Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    Sending love and hugs.
    Life does feel like a struggle at the moment. I really feel for your girls! I hope they feel better soon.
    I was shocked to get a food shop, I got the last slot with Asda for today which we really needed as we can’t get out due to isolating. So sorry you couldn’t get one on your usual day.
    I hope you have a nice relaxed weekend with no struggles. x
    Kim Carberry recently posted…This week my Word of the Week is: Isolating! #WotW

    • Anne Sweet

      Ah Kim, I’m so sorry that you are all having to isolate and I hope you continue to be well until it’s over. Well done on getting a food shop. I’ve found the best place to guarantee a delivery is Iceland but we are not huge fans of frozen food. Good in emergencies though. Stay well x

  2. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    I’m sorry that you and the girls are also struggling at the moment. I can relate to the food deliveries problem and trying to sort out meals when the children don’t know what they want to eat or won’t eat certain things. Good luck with the shawl pattern – it certainly sounds like a complicated one. Hope that the weekend will be calmer for you and next week will be an easier one. #WotW

    • Anne Sweet

      I really want the shawl to work, I will persevere, as I’m sure my girls will too. I’m wishing we were all soup lovers, how lovely it would be to pop a new soup on each day for lunch. But I’m the only one who’d be happy with soup.

  3. Karen

    Oh no 🙁 I feel sorry for your girls, it’s such a difficult time for kids at the moment. Hopefully they can get back to school soon and start to catch up. I know the feeling about wondering where the money goes! I’ve started paying cash for my shopping so I can see what’s what instead of lots of card payment suddenly disappearing from my account. Hope next week is better x

    • Anne Sweet

      I think it would probably be easier if the schools were closed again but there are so many that object, it’s not the best for all. It’s not a good time for kids that’s for sure. I’m fed up of my money disappearing. I used to be so careful, but now I can’t get out I let my card stay in someone else’s wallet and I’m not keeping track of the spending like I used to. x

  4. Cheryl | Time To Craft

    It is so hard for them at the moment. My Middle Teen is in year 11 too. Mocks are scheduled for the end of this term and the stress and uncertainty is non stop. I hope Star’s school can give her the experience of Mocks without undermining her confidence in her subjects.

    I’m finding the same with meals. With half the family home and the others expecting a late lunch when they get in, I’m still cooking three meals. More chance that at least one doesn’t like something. It feels like a never ending feat.

    Hope your shawl behaves itself this time. I’m sure it will feel even more special to wear, when you do finally finish it.

  5. Malin SenLearningWithPenguin

    I really hope your weekend was more relaxing and less of a struggle, and that this week has got off to an okay start. Regarding the food shopping, I think the cost of food has gone up a lot this year, in general, don’t you think? Our food bill has certainly got a lot higher, and while I can see that we’ve been buying a little more than before, it’s not been enough to make up for the big increase in cost. Take care, and I hope your girls too will find this week less of a struggle xx #MMBC
    Malin SenLearningWithPenguin recently posted…A November Walk In Northiam, East Sussex, Featuring Bats!

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