Reader Interactions


  1. Deborah

    Sometimes all you can do is listen to your body and rest. My kids are very good at resting as well, my husband, like Graham, not so good. I hope the rest has helped. have a good week.

  2. Cheryl | Time To Craft

    We all need rest days! Sorry you missed your niece’s birthday. Hope you are feeling better now. I was going to boycott the egg hunt this year, but their was universal outcry when I suggested it. I suspect I’ll still be doing it when they are in their thirties at this rate. Good for Graham fixing the shed roof. One of ours took a battering during the storms, but is now fixed. Enjoy your restful weekend.

  3. Kim Carberry

    So sorry you have been unwell and missed the party. I am glad you are feeling better now.
    It is sad that our girls think they are too old for Easter egg hunts although my youngest did do one organised by her friends mum the other week and had the best time.
    Well done Graham, it sounds like he has been busy.
    You do right resting, enjoy your weekend before you get back to the normal routine next week x

  4. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Sorry that you were too unwell to attend the party. Glad you are feeling better now and that resting has helped. Lovely to have an Easter egg hunt for Little Man although I can imagine it’s sad when children outgrow these things. Hope you have a nice weekend to finish off the Easter break. #WotW

  5. Karen

    Sorry you’ve not been well, sometimes resting is the only thing to do in order to feel better. My Hubby and Madam are very good at resting… me and Sir not so much!

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