Reader Interactions


  1. Astrid

    I’m so sorry Star has been poorly but so glad she’s on the mend. Glad your adjusted hospital treatment worked out okay. The Motability car thing sounds complicated.

    I’ve never seen Les Misérables and indeed thought it’s a depressing story, although to be honest I don’t know that much about the plot. So happy there were moments when you had a laugh during the show too.

  2. Kim Carberry

    You really have had a busy month and I’d say more ups than downs. I am glad you had a lovely holiday and a few days out. I watched the film of Les Miserables on Sunday night. I do love it and I forgot how many famous actors are in it. Boo’s dress is amazing! My youngest doesn’t wear dresses at all but I’ve just showed her this one and she wants it. hehehe
    I hope Boo’s return to school goes OK and it stays open. What a worry. I hope you get something sorted with your Little Man and I hope Star gets sorted with college. x

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