Reader Interactions


  1. Sheryl

    Thanks so much for joining us once again, Anne – you’re the best! I plan to get my entry written after all my exams mid-month!

    I’m sorry to hear about your family all being ill. It must be heartbreaking 🙁 I hope your broken ribs are getting better… I’ve also broken them before just from coughing… I guess I’m on lots of prednisone too so it doesn’t help.

    Sending you well wishes and a wishing you a happy holiday season (no harm getting into the mood early, right?!). x

  2. Kim Carberry

    The course sounds really interesting. Good luck with it and that’s great that your consultant has approved your IVIG until at least April.
    hehehe! That did make me chuckle when you said you always have somewhere to sit due to your wheelchair, it’s true though, a reclining one sounds amazing.
    I hope Graham is making the changes that he needs to. Sometimes a massive scare like a heart attack are a wake up call.
    Oh gosh! A cracked rib, it seems to be one thing after another at the moment. I hope it heals soon.
    I hope your girl gets well again too. The poor love has really been through it and she’s still so young. x

  3. Andrea Polla

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts 🙂 I can relate to your emotional/mental symptoms although your disease is new to me. I especially like your sense of will and grace as you face your daily life.

  4. Catherine

    Sending hugs to you all Anne and I’m sorry to hear about your husband’s heart attack. Long term illness is frustratingly hard to deal with but I’m happy to hear that you got over Covid quickly.


  5. Sarah Warburton

    Thank you for sharing so openly and I’m sending you lots of hugs, you have so much to deal with. I would be interested to hear how you get on with the TENS machine for migraines, it isn’t something that I have tried for migraine as yet- fingers crossed it brings you some relief.
    Take care
    sarah x

  6. Despite Pain

    Ouch….a cracked rib on top of everything else! I have osteoporosis and regularly get rib fractures from simple things like coughing, sneezing or just turning in bed the wrong way. I hope that improves soon for you. When mine are fractured, I find that I can lie on my good side as long as I ‘hug’ a thick pillow. Might be worth trying.
    The Ukraine situation is awful isn’t it? It shouldn’t be happening. And the cost of living crisis in the UK is an absolute nightmare. Everyone is feeling it. Well, maybe not everyone. There are some very wealthy bankers and energy companies. I hate to think what will happen during a really cold winter when vulnerable people feel they can’t afford to turn their heating on.
    I hope that you benefit from the Dialectal Behaviour Therapy and I hope your daughter improves soon. That must be such a worry for you.

  7. Lauren Watt

    I enjoyed reading your post, Anne, but am so sorry for the rough time you and your family have been enduring. Praying for you all! This is my first time participating in a linkup.

  8. k

    Sorry to hear of your daughters ill health. Hope things get easier for her and that you are all staying as warm and healthy as possible.

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