Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    It is funny how our morning routine changes over the years. I remember the days of walking to primary school myself. My school was at the bottom of my garden too. hehehe Mornings used to be crazy when my girls were little, they’re much more relaxed now.
    I always think of that Boor Radleys song when I think of your girl.
    My youngest gets up 15 minutes before me now and is usually washed and dressed by the time I get downstairs. She does her own hair and sorts everything herself so I am just there to make sure she leaves for school on time. I sometimes miss doing the school run and the chaos every morning. x

  2. Ruth

    Morning routines change so much over the years. When my kids were little I was always rushing around trying to coordinate school drop offs, before school care etc. Then up until last year I used to have to make sure my mum was set up for the day before I went to work. There never seemed to be enough time in the mornings! Then it all went so fast, everything changed and now I have lots of time before I leave for work. I sometimes wonder how I used to cram everything in.

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