Reader Interactions


  1. Carol

    The last week has been filled with doctor visits and tests. I’ve started a 5 week series of shots in both knees that is supposed to make it easier to walk and make more cushy stuff in the joint. I had the 2nd shot yesterday and my knees are feeling better today. (Hurts like the dickens when fist get the shot.) Got my fingers crossed that it will work well. Sorry about the stair problem. I really couldn’t live in a house with stairs – my kness are a mess and my wrists, hands, and ankles aren’t great either. Hope this week is a lovely one for you and your family. #Keepingitreal

  2. Debbie

    Hi Anne, I’m glad to hear the change in treatment is working better, fingers crossed it stays that way… It sounds like you’ll be needing two vehicles, one for you and one for Graham. A wheelchair accessible vehicle sounds much more practical, but boys will be boys!… It must be a relief that the school is stepping up now, I hope Little Man continues to want to go to school… Those first school trips away are a mixture of excitement and nerves and that’s just for the parents. Gregs never wanted to go, which in a way I was comfortable with as the schools here aren’t the same as in the UK and if he’d have got stressed they wouldn’t have had a clue what to do. As for Catherine, she loved them from the start, I used to drop her off and she wouldn’t even look back. I’m sure both your girls will have a fab time and come home safe, sound and full of stories (even some you’d much rather not hear)… I’ve heard that frozen shoulder can be both painful and long-lasting, so I hope that isn’t the case in your instance… What a pain in the bum (literally!) not being able to handle the stairs, I do hope it was a one-off and that you can manage them again now, mind you those Stena (?) stair lifts look like fun!… Your crochet creations sound lovely. I’m halfway through a pair of gloves but probably won’t do much crocheting until after the summer now. I have just finished a good book, I think it was ‘Bad Me, Good Me’ (I’m terrible with titles). Last night I started Gone Girl. I’m reading the paper version, but I do much prefer reading on my Kindle as I find the backlight on it makes reading easier.

    Thank you for stopping by and linking up with #keepingitreal.


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