Hello and welcome to the home of Word of the Week. A nice and simple weekly linky, with everyone welcome to pop by and share. The idea of the linky is to reflect back on your past week and share it with us. It’s great if you can sum it up in a word or phrase, hence giving us your Word of the Week. My word this week is ‘Waiting’ and you can read more about that below.
I’m not totally strict on using just a word or phrase. But please try to stick to the theme of summing up your week. There are not too many rules with this linky, just remember to read at least another couple of posts in the link up after adding your link. I will read and comment on all posts and tweet them out for you. I also have a Pinterest board devoted to Word of the Week and I will add posts to Mix Please add the badge below to your post so that others may find us and join in. If you comment or tweet then please use the hashtag #WotW
Word of the Week is open from 6am on Friday Morning to 12 noon on Monday. Plenty of time to join in!
If you are unfamiliar with the Word of the Week linky then please feel free to ask any questions. New linkers are always welcome, we love to hear what you have been up to in the past week.
This week we have spent a lot of time waiting around in the hospital, something that has become quite normal for us. But we are not waiting to be seen. If there is one compliment I can give the Urology department, it’s how quickly you are seen. There is just so much that needs to be done at each appointment and it takes hours.
Now we are waiting for the results from Star’s tests. She already failed the test they gave her just a couple of weeks ago, and now we are waiting to see if they have found anything from these tests.
We are also waiting for an explanation of her MRI results as they were sent to us as a copy which was also sent to her GP. They have requested the notes from the Children’s hospital about Star’s spine surgery when she was eight. It seems there is a problem with her spinal cord which may be the reason for her hydronephrosis. All we can do is wait and see what they conclude.
On a lighter note I am still waiting for Christmas wish lists from my family. I normally have most of my shopping done by now, or at least know what I’m going to buy. This year I have no idea and the kids (and adults) are no help at all. Surely they must want something. I could write a list as long as my arm for things I’d like!
Things here in the Sweet household have been difficult again this week. I am still suffering and I’m really not sure if it is from Covid. Eldest son had a positive covid test but although he’s been coughing a lot he insists it’s just his asthma. It seems that illness and health issues are just bugging us from all sides at the moment. I’m just waiting for the day when we all feel okay.
Now it’s over to you, what word or phrase sums up your week this week?
It sounds like the Urology department is really organised. Good luck to Star with the results, I hope they help, help Star. The poor lass, she is really going through it.
It is so hard to buy for the kids now they are getting older but to be honest I am struggling to come up with something that I want for Christmas for myself so I can’t really complain.
Oh no! I hope your son makes a speedy recovery. x
If they don’t send over their list soon, you can take mine, lol. Lots of waiting around. I’m sure it will all work out soon.
I hope Star gets some answers from her results, she really has had a tough time of it bless her.
I’ve started my Christmas shopping. I’m still waiting for the eldest to start his list, he gets harder to buy for each year! x
Glad that you’re not waiting to be seen at least in the urology department although waiting for results is not easy. I hope that you and Star get some answers soon and that hopefully there is some treatment which will help things. We haven’t done Christmas lists yet – I need to start getting more organised for Christmas! Sorry to hear that you’re suffering and that your eldest son has Covid – hope you both feel better soon. #WotW