Reader Interactions


  1. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Sorry to hear that you’ve had a week of not feeling well. Hope everyone is feeling better soon. How worrying to have slipped out of the loop with Star with the hospital. Really hope that this gets resolved quickly and you’re able to make contact with them. Glad your car has been returned. We’ve still got a little of the Christmas snacks left over so have not quite returned to healthier eating habits here yet! #WotW

    • Anne Sweet

      It’s quite typical that I should complain about this the day that we get a new hospital appointment for Star. She’s booked in for her MRI in February. I do still need to contact her nurse about the catheter though.

  2. Karen

    It’s good to be back! Hope everyone feels better soon. We are coming to the end of the Christmas goodies too. Oh well.. Easter isn’t far away LOL!

  3. Kim Carberry

    I was so happy to see some of the old regulars linking up last week too.
    Ugh, such a shame you have all not been feeling well. I hope everyone is feeling better now, poor Star, I’ve just seen in the comments about the MRI, I hope it goes well.
    We have been eating better too now that almost all of the Christmas treats have gone.

  4. Cheryl | Time To Craft

    Start of term always seems to bring on the bugs. We’ve had A’level mocks this week, so I’ve been hoping nothing hits our household. Hope you are all feeling better soon. I can see from your earlier comment that the hospital has been in touch, which must be such a relief. I bet you’re glad to have your car back. That has taken some time.

  5. Ruth

    So sorry to hear that your family hasn’t been feeling well. But I’m glad to hear that Star does have an appointment now and I hope that all goes well with the MRI. It’s nice that you have your own car back. We’re back to eating healthier too although we still have a nice stash of chocolates that we are slowly munching our way through. That’s one of the big perks of working in a preschool. All the yummy chocolate gifts we get for Christmas from the children! Yum.

  6. Jayne

    Sorry that you’ve all been feeling unwell. We’ve all been bad on and off here over Christmas. I’ve still got a wheezy chest after the cold virus or whatever it is that’s doing the rounds.
    I hope you get some help for Star bless her. Such a lot to deal with at such a young age.
    Glad you got your car back too, bet that’s a relief! x

  7. Jane - Our Little Escapades

    Sorry to read so many of you were poorly. Going back to school finally saw us shake off the cough they all had. I hope you get some answers from the hospital soon. I doubt the strikes are helping. I need to do some chasing actually. Hopefully, I will get some time this week #Wotw

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