Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    I always want to be there to support my girls no matter how old they are. I still go with my eldest to her heart appointments because there is so much history about her heart, her sister having the same issues and the doctors don’t always read the notes.
    Just today I we were at the hospital for a check on my youngest girls hearing aid and she doesn’t speak up for herself. She’s only 15 so she’s still young but she sometimes doesn’t have the confidence. I am just glad when she gets discharged next year to the adult part she only has to go if she has a problem and not every year for a check up.
    Good luck to Star with her MRI, I had the option of going in with my youngest for her MRI last year but she was OK to go it alone, she mainly just had to lay there.
    You do an amazing job looking after your family as well as dealing with your own disability. xx

  2. Jayne @ Sticky Mud and Belly Laughs

    Well I think you do a bloody amazing job juggling everything alongside your own needs and disabilities. It also shows what a fab mum you are too.
    I’m exactly the same with my two, especially with our youngest being autistic. He needs to have someone speak on his behalf at every appointment. With that said, I also have to with the eldest to some degree. He too shows autistic tendencies at times.
    I hope you get some answers from Star’s MRI so that she can live life to the fullest again. Sending big hugs. xx

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