Reader Interactions


  1. Tina

    Very full and interesting diagnosis Ann . Never give up as Im sure you won't . Tomorrow's another day . Treatments are progressing and new cures/ treatments found every day . You just never know what's around the corner x

  2. Erica Price

    I was interested to read more about your condition Anne especially as it's such an unusual one. I admire your bravery & positivity. I hope you get some happy, almost normal years with your children and your husband. x

  3. Brandi Puga

    I have never heard of this condition before, I am so sorry you have to go through this and admire your bravery to write such an amazing post about your struggle! #MMBC

  4. Liz Blows

    Hi, wow I was a bit surprised at the amount of medication you are taking, especially the steroids. No IVIg? You must be a strong person on the inside! Any chance your neurologist could look at your medication again, and perhaps think about IVIg (providing you are nt diabetic) ?

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