Hello and welcome to the home of Word of the Week. A nice and simple weekly linky, with everyone welcome to pop by and share. The idea of the linky is to reflect back on your past week and share it with us. It’s great if you can sum it up in a word or…
Reflections on the Past Year and Looking Forward to the Future.
The New Year is a time of reflection and also a time to think about the future. Reflection I’ve mostly been thinking back on the last three years and my illness. It all started on January 1st 2016 when I ended up in hospital for two weeks. A year later I was finally diagnosed with…
I’ll Never Dance La Macarena Again at a Family Party
On Saturday evening we went to a family party. It was a proper party, you know the type where a hall is hired and decorated, there is a dance floor and a DJ, a fabulous buffet and a couple of the new additions, a sweet store and photo booth.The hall was full with party goers…